Thursday, October 23, 2008

From the Mouth of Babes....

Today, John and I drove by the church we were married in and I told Jake that was the church mom and dad got married in. He said what is married? So I started to tell him. I got stopped to explain preacher the way, I hate it when I can't find other words that explain a a preacher preaches :). Anyway, back to the point.... After explaining what a preacher is, I had to explain what vows are and then I preceded to tell him that we promised to love each other, to take care of each other and to be faithful to each other. He said wo, wait a minute does faithful mean that you get what you have and you don't want anything else. I said well it kinda does my little wise one.


Kristin said...

That may be the best definition I've heard!

This is so funny, because I just had this conversation with John David over the weekend. He's on the lookout for his "favorite girl" already. He told me he'd get married when he's 27. That sounds good to me!

Lindsey said...

where are you? miss you.